Introduction to Letterpress
Saturday, May 22, 2010 from 11 am to 5 pm
Slow down, step back in time, and spend a Saturday in our vintage letterpress shop in southeast Portland. Students in this one day workshop will learn the basics of typesetting, lockup, make-ready, inking, and presswork. You are encouraged to bring ideas for a simple printed piece, such as a thank you note, greeting card, or calling card. Registration fee of $100, plus $20 shop fee. Enrollment is limited to 6 students.
Students will have access to all tools and equipment, including:
- Dozens of drawers of types, dingbats, logo cuts, etc.
- Antique "Advance" paper shear
- Assorted hand tools
- Soy-based inks
- Printmaking papers
- Chandler & Price Old Style - 8 x 12
- Franklin Gordon 8 x 12
- Chandler & Price new Style 10 x 15
- Keley Excelsior 5 x 8 tabletop
Call 503-922-2310 for more information, or download the registration form.